The Benefits of Membership
We are working hard to create a "Member's Only Area" on the website that will contain various census and other transcriptions to facilitate researching family and house histories as well as enabling members to gain a more complete understanding of Oatlands.
This "Member's Area" will also (when we can discover how to achieve it) contain a "forum" where questions and answers can be shared with others. It is our intention that this should build into a community for members who are widely scattered - maybe not the same as actually being in the village, but it is the best we can do.
Members will be entitled to discount on all publications and other items produced for general sale by Oatlands Heritage Group.
Members will be insured for activities organised or sanctioned by the group, through our group policy with BALH. Limited exceptions apply.
When we have a strong enough membership-base situated in or near Oatlands, we hope to be able to arrange regular meetings and talks about both Oatlands and other local and family history topics. These will be open to the general public on payment of a small entry charge but will be freely available to members as part of their subscription.
In addition, we hope that members will have "a warm feeling inside", knowing that they are helping to ensure that the history and heritage of Oatlands is researched, understood and shared...
View an outline of our BALH (British Association for Local History) Insurance Cover Click Here